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Audio Only Podcasts

Includes a six-part Leadership Reform series recorded in conjunction with Terry McDougall and her Winning the Game of Work podcast. Leadership Reno and the DIY Leader were afforded a special series to discuss bullying in the workplace. Join the DIY Leader, Lisa, along with her "Leadership Reform" squad as they discuss various aspects of workplace bullying. Special guests include: Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic: Psychologist, entrepreneur, professor, TEDx Talk speaker and author of numerous articles and books, including "Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders (And How to Fix It)?" Amy C. Edmondson, Ph.D.: Harvard professor, multiple TEDx Talk speaker, and author of numerous articles and books, including her latest, "The Right Kind of Wrong, the Science of Failing Well" Kalyani Pardeshi: award winning author of the book "Unbullied" and anti-bullying advocate for school-aged kids Deb Falzoi: Founder of Dignity Together and anti-bullying advocate Alexander N. Andrews: Author of the book "Unlike a Boss" John Augusto, Ph.D.: Gallup certified CliftonStrengths coach and Associate Dean at Georgia State University

GRASP Confidence Podcast

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), and international best-selling author and TEDx Talk speaker Tara LaFon Gooch, discussing the value of having the confidence to start over.

Leadership Reform Episode 5:

The Cost of a Narcissistic Leader

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), Terry McDougall, Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Dr. Amy C. Edmondson.

Leadership Reform Episode 2:

Is Workplace Bullying Legal?

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), Terry McDougall, Deb Falzoi and Kalyani Pardeshi.

Close-Up Radio and Television With Doug Llewelyn

Close-Up Radio spotlights The DIY Leader (Lisa) to discuss her mission to "renovate" the role of people-leaders in the workplace.

Leadership Reform Episode 4:

Creating a Workplace Where Bullying Can't Survive

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), Terry McDougall, Alexander N. Andrews and John Augusto.

Leadership Reform Episode 1: What is Workplace Bullying?

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), Terry McDougall, Deb Falzoi and Kalyani Pardeshi.

Leadership Reform Episode 6:

The Overall Cost of Workplace Bullying

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), Terry McDougall, Dr. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic and Dr. Amy C. Edmondson.

Leadership Reform Episode 3: How Leaders Combat Bullying

Includes The DIY Leader (Lisa), Terry McDougall, Alexander N. Andrews and John Augusto.

Coachful Coaching Leadership Podcast with David Fung

LinkedIn Live

With Donald Cohen 

The Chris Voss Show Podcast

Social Me Too

With Jonathan Macdonald 

Time2Change Podcast

With Chason Forehand

Video Podcasts

Partners & Collaborations

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